How To Get A TX Burn Permit
Air Curtain Burner / Destructor Burn Permits in Texas
In this Article:
Texas, Open Burning, and Burn Permits
Texas Burn Bans
Texas Burn Permit Phone Numbers
When deciding if you will burn in any city or state, it is always important to confirm any and all laws, rules, and regulations with the local authorities. Sometimes, in a particular locality (city, county, etc) , laws can differ from the general state regulations. Below are general guidelines and rules, as well as contact information that will help you find the right people to speak to.
How Do I Get A Burn Permit in Texas?
The TCEQ has put in place certain procedures to monitor emissions, and these also affect the use of Air Curtain Burners. The regulations are summarized here on the TCEQ fact sheet.
It is relatively easy to get a permit in Texas.
The general permit for using an Air Curtain Burner is the GOP 518. It is recommended to submit this 30-45 days before you plan to begin burning.
If you would like to move the air curtain burner, which you already permitted, to a new location (not on the same address/project) then it is necessary to submit a Core Data Form.
TCEQ is very ready to provide assistance. There is a help desk if you are unsure how to fill out the forms.
Burn Bans in Texas
It is easy to see if there is a burn ban in effect for your county in the state of Texas. You can check the Interactive Burn Ban Map on the Texas A & M Forest Service Website. As always, it is suggested to check with your local authorities in addition to checking the interactive map.
For more information, please contact the TCEQ directly.
The TCEQ Webpage is here and their contact information for the Air Quality Division can be found here.